Tribute to Edward Bush
Whole School

Old Mole and Former Head Boy

We were deeply saddened by the tragic news of the death of former pupil Edward Bush on Friday. Edward, the middle son of Annabel Bush, Head of Learning Support at Moulsford, suffered extremely serious injuries after being hit by a car in Scotland on Thursday. Ed was walking with two friends, one of whom is in a critical condition, whilst the other, who has not suffered life-threatening injuries, has been discharged from hospital. Our thoughts are also with them and their families.

Our deepest sympathy goes to Annabel, Jon and Ed’s two brothers, who were also former pupils, for the loss of their wonderful son and brother. Ed joined Moulsford in Year 3 and his prep school years were full of fun, laughter, happiness and achievement. Above all, he was a wonderful friend to others and made a fantastic contribution to the Moulsford community. He was a very keen sportsman, played the trumpet in the school orchestra and was Head Boy in the Autumn term 2017.

We send our love to Annabel and her family and know that the Moulsford community will come together to give them all the support we can offer over the coming weeks, months and years, in the same way that Annabel has always been there for so many of us.

Ben Beardmore-Gray, Headmaster

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