It has been great to take advantage of the glorious weather and in particular to be playing cricket, having lost so much coaching time last term. As the weather develops, our sporting programme will adapt and at some point we will move to football. Flexibility and adaptability have become watchwords in the current environment and never has this approach been more important in a school.
The move to Virtual Moulsford in March was eased for the school by the fact that we had already been using Google Classroom for a number of years. In planning for this term, we continue to ensure that all boys (and staff) from Years 3-8 are completely confident with this programme, and that Year 2 (and their parents) also have access to it. We have taken this approach for three reasons: first, it provides a very efficient way for staff, boys and parents to keep a co-ordinated and close record of work set, completed and returned; second, for boys who are currently off school (but not necessarily ill), it allows them to stay in close touch with the classroom, and for staff to set them work; third, in the event that we had to revert to Virtual Moulsford, Google Classroom will make this transition relatively straightforward. All preps from Years 3-8 will now be set on Google Classroom, and boys should submit their work through this portal unless directed otherwise by their teachers.