Eclectic mix of activities on offer
The after-school Activities programme for the whole school is now in full swing with hundreds of boys taking part. Despite restrictions and the need to keep year groups in their bubbles, boys have been able to take part in a huge variety of activities.
In the Pre-Prep we have had boys taking part in everything ranging from Drama and Music and Movement to STEM Club, Golf, Lego, Bikeability, Arts and Crafts and the ever popular Playball. It has been fantastic seeing some of their artistic creations and hearing their enthusiastic voices as they have taken part in activities out in the sunshine.
The boys in the Prep School have also been benefiting from the fine weather with the river proving as popular as ever with boys participating in kayaking, fishing and stand up paddleboarding.
The Juniors have also been enjoying outdoor poetry, archery, woodwork, photography, ultimate Frisbee, historical re-enactments and the curiously named spikeball!
The Seniors have turned their hands to activities like indoor rowing, origami, clay pigeon shooting, virtual travel club (or plan your own gap year!), cooking and the Year 8 pantomime.
We are delighted that the boys are throwing themselves into the activities programme and trying something new.