World Book Week 2020
Whole School Academic

A wonderful week of literary activities

Pre-Prep Author Visits

We were delighted to welcome the amazing Giles Andreae back to Moulsford on the first day of Book Week to read his heart warming and funny stories to Pre-Prep. He even read his brand new, not yet released book, “Elephant Me.”  In Year 3 he also helped the boys to create their own story, which naturally featured bottoms and pants!

On Wednesday the fantastic Debi Beaumont came to talk to the boys about her books ‘Chameleon Spot’ and ‘An Alphabet of Africa’. She also kindly gave the boys a beautifully illustrated poster of the alphabet to take home with them.

Teddy Bear Sleepover

On Tuesday afternoon, Ted. E Bear the “Libearian,” welcomed the excited Bobcats and their teddies to the Library. They wrote the name of their teddies on the sleepover sheet and had a think about what their favourite bedtime book is. We then settled down by the bed to talk about what they needed to do to get their bears ready for bed. Teeth were brushed, faces were washed and sleepy stories read. The Bobcats tucked their bears up and whispered goodnight as they tiptoed out of the dark library. Much excitement the next morning as the Bobcats returned to wake their sleeping bears and find out about the hijinks they had got up to the night before!

Book Swap

Reception to Year 4 have brought in some amazing books in preparation for the big book swap. Each class were delighted to come to the library and choose themselves a new book to take home. It was lovely to see the boys file out already reading their chosen book. Well done boys!

The Big Read

The ever-popular Big Read took place in the theatre on Wednesday, with the boys from Years 3 to 8 having the opportunity to relax on beanbags, cushions and a fair few giant bears and lions!  It was lovely for the staff to be able to enjoy spending some time quietly reading with the boys too.

Red Heart Theatre

We were thrilled to welcome Red Heart Theatre into school again to perform productions of ‘Wilfred Owen’s Pocket Book’ to Year Eight and ‘Gothic Tales’ to Year Seven, which proved gripping and entertaining in equal measure. These performances tie in perfectly with the boys’ studies in English this term and helped to bring to life the words that they had previously encountered on the page.


On Wednesday, the annual Bananagrams Final took place for Years 3 to 6 run by Mrs Scriven and Mr Smart. Having played the preliminary rounds in lessons and semi-finals in break time, the wordsmith warriors took to the fray in a friendly yet competitive manner. Following an intense burst of word creation (as well as some words that are yet to reach the OED!) the year group winners were reached.  Congratulations to Jacob A (Year 3), Charlie T (Year 4), Henry B (Year 5), Joshua C (Year 6) and overall winner Bertie W from Year 6.  After another successful competition, played in a great spirit by all, the only change for the future may be that the Bananagrams final is not played on Wednesday, but on a Sundae...!

Poetry Slam

On Thursday the beats and rhymes of the Year 7 and 8 Poetry Slam could be heard in the theatre. The boys of 7D were crowned overall champs, pipping 8R and 7P to the title.  Special mention goes to Charlie B who won the ‘Eminem Award’ for his contribution.

World Book Week has once again been a highlight of the term for Moulsford boys and staff alike. 

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