Head's Blog: Autumnal Opportunities
Head's Blog

The current autumnal conditions provide wonderful opportunities for the boys and staff to make excellent use of the Moulsford grounds. It was fabulous to observe Year 4 outside in English today, furiously scribbling down adjectives on mini whiteboards to describe the natural world around them. Boys then returned to class and their notes formed the basis of an autumn poem.

One of the joys of living in England is witnessing the changing seasons, and the routine and structure that they can bring. The different seasons remind us of the ebb and flow of the year and of the beauty of nature. I often say to the boys that the autumn term is one of great contrasts with warm days and bright sunshine in early September, compared to sharp frosts and short days in December. In the interim, a huge amount can be achieved during this long term, both in and out of the classroom.

The after-school activities programme has changed for this second half of term to reflect the clocks going back, although the shorter days do not mean fewer opportunities.  On the contrary, they open up a whole new range of clubs which boys can access, such as Ceramics, Christmas Craft, Model Making, Taskmaster, Panto!, Indoor Rowing, Quiz Club and the Creative Cookie Collective! I much enjoyed teaching a number of Year 4 and 5 boys to play backgammon yesterday evening. This is a game I learnt at their age and has remained a passion for life.

Ben Beardmore-Gray


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