Drama Performances

Bertie treads the boards

Bertie W in Year 6 is currently having a busy time treading the boards in two different productions.  During October and November he has been appearing in the Reading Between the Lines production of Macbeth at the Minster in Reading.  The production, directed by Hal Chambers, has an impressive cast of professional actors and Bertie has enjoyed appearing alongside them.

Bertie has also started rehearsals for the Goblin Theatre production of Pinocchio, which he will be appearing in throughout December at the Cornerstone in Didcot.  He has been in their Christmas production for the last two years and was delighted to be selected again for this year’s production.

Break a leg Bertie!

Bertie’s remaining performance dates for Macbeth are:

2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th November.

Pinocchio is on at the Cornerstone throughout December, with Bertie performing two shows on each of the following dates:

6th, 10th, 14th, 17th, 21st, 24th and 28th December.

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