Junior Maths Challenge
Talks and Assemblies

Success for our Senior Boys

Our boys in Years 7 and 8 recently took part in the Junior Maths Challenge, run by the UK Mathematics Trust and supported by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

We had an excellent set of results, with boys at Moulsford achieving 5 Golds, 14 Silvers and 16 Bronzes.  Over 270,000 pupils from across the UK sat the Junior Maths Challenge with roughly the top 6% receiving a gold certificate, the next 13% silver and the next 21% bronze.

Approximately 9,200 of the top students in the UK (ie the top 3%) are invited to take part in a follow-on Mathematical Olympiad known as a Kangaroo.  We are delighted that three of Moulsford’s students, Sam C (Year 8) Oli S and James H (Year 7) have been invited to take part in this competition.

Rachel Greenhalgh, Executive Director of the UK Mathematics Trust said, “The Maths Challenges provide material to provoke students’ mathematical thinking and test their problem solving skills in an accessible and yet challenging way.  Many congratulations to Moulsford Prep School on their success in the Junior Maths Challenge: it is great to see achievement in mathematics recognised.”

Well done to everyone who took part.

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