Activities Open Day

The school’s first Pantomime by the boys for the boys was a huge success

For the first time ever 18 boys from Year 6 to Year 8 put on a Christmas performance of the Pantomime classic ‘Cinderella’.  With only Monday afternoon activities sessions in which to rehearse, the boys managed to pull together an incredibly entertaining and smooth running one off performance in front of the whole school, on the penultimate day of the Christmas Term.

Every boy played his part in an hilarious 50 minutes of classic panto lines, corny jokes and slapstick comedy. The Ugly Sisters (Gil B and Vinny K) led from the front and mention should go to Prince Charming (Kit S) who stepped in at the last minute and did a fabulous job after only two rehearsals.  Well done to all the boys who took part and brought a huge amount of amusement and entertainment to pupils and staff alike.

Roll on next year!

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