Year 6 French Trip
Pre-Prep Activities

Boys head to Normandy

Based on the smiling faces (both staff and students!), the Year 6 French trip to St Omer was a resounding success!  Most importantly our Year 6s had lots of fantastic opportunities to speak French, including at the market in Boulogne, when asking for their dinner every evening, translating the directions in the town trails, and learning about the history of Dunkerque, amongst many others.

The week was jam-packed with a range of activities, both sporting and cultural. Highlights included a visit to the famous Nausicaa sea life centre, where the boys loved being able to touch the rays and see the sharks (luckily not the other way round!).  Another highlight were the trips to the beach, where lots of energy was expended! Each evening saw a range of entertainment, including mini olympics and a superheroes activity, with boys showing real teamwork and leadership skills. But perhaps most surprising of all was the snail tasting, with almost every boy trying at least one delicious garlicy 'escargot', and some loving them and having several! Eating seemed to be a theme of the week, and the boys loved hearing a traditional artisan baker explaining in French how he still makes his amazing bread in his boulangerie!  The boys all tried the bread, and a super large pain au chocolat!  Finally, in keeping with the chocolate theme, we visited a famous chocolaterie in the town of Ypres in Belgium (yes, we went to Belgium on a French trip!), and even got to watch how chocolate is made and the boys decorated their own bars in Calais on the way to the ferry! Talk about saving the best until last!

The beautiful weather and Normandy countryside helped to make the trip the success that it was, but most importantly was how our Year 6 boys did Moulsford proud with their enthusiasm, great behaviour, and eagerness to speak French!

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