Celebration Assembly

A very positive start to the term!

Each Wednesday Tiffany Squire, Deputy Head Academic, presents a ‘Celebration Assembly’ to the whole school.  At the start of this term, there was plenty to celebrate and we heard about Emerson P who is a successful skier.  He was racing for Team Evolution in Austria at the weekend where he won two silvers in each of his slalom races. 

In DT, the Year 8s have been using the 3D printer to make some great products:  animal egg cups made by Ed B, George K, Ollie H and Ollie DP;  wall mounted toothbrush holders made by Joe D and Bertie WG and a train with moving wheels, made from 3 separate components by Ed B and Jamie F.

Mrs Squire also celebrated the Christmas Pantomime which Mr Hamilton-Smith’s Drama Activity group had performed to the whole school at the end of last term.  Mrs Squire admitted to not particularly liking pantomimes (‘Oh yes you do!’) but that this one was an exception.  ‘Cinderella’ was put together in just one Activity session per week and it was a triumph.

There was much to celebrate in Pre-Prep:  Ilia, Gus, Charlie, Freddie and Jacob from Pumas and Panthers did some fantastic acting in literacy when looking at ‘Anancy and Mr Dry-Bone’; Arthur S in Bobcats worked independently to sound out his ‘All About Me’ work; Max P from Bobcats has been learning about number bonds to 5, and Teddy C in Pumas has been working hard at home with his joined-up writing.

At the end of the assembly a large group of boys were given their LAMDA certificates – well done to all those boys who worked hard on their Drama pieces, many of whom received a Distinction.


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