House Matches

Plenty of Competitive Spirit

Junior House Football

Thursday afternoon saw the eagerly anticipated Junior House Football Matches. Year 4 were in seeded teams, whilst Year 3 were in two mixed ability teams competing for their houses. The boys did very well to keep up their concentration and to stay in good heart as the weather deteriorated through the afternoon. However, there was still plenty of skill and some wonderful goals on show throughout the matches. Well done to all the boys for their efforts, this year’s winner will be announced in assembly on Tuesday.


Senior and Colts House Rugby.

This term's exciting house matches for Years 5 to 8 were played on Wednesday afternoon. This was the second time that the boys played solely in their own year groups due to the changes in the RFU rules. This meant that whatever team and level the boys would usually play, they would now find themselves as one unit, fighting for victory and pride for their house. It was a fantastic afternoon played in a competitive but good natured spirit. There were a lot of comments from staff and supporters on the high quality of the rugby being played. In the Seniors, Cabot were the winners and in the Colts, Bering ended up on top. Well done to all the boys for a great afternoon.



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