Pupil Ambassadors providing tours
We held our February Open Day today and welcomed a number of families to Moulsford to provide them with the opportunity to see what a Moulsford education looks like.
Without exception, our visitors praised their guides for their excellent tours, and all were impressed by their confidence and manners. Thank you to all the boys in Years 7 and 8 who helped to make it such a successful day. These Senior boys are wonderful ambassadors for Moulsford and their cheerful and charming company are always highly regarded by visitors.
The Senior Choir performed a fantastic rendition of ‘Something Inside So Strong’ accompanied by Mrs Braden and it was a wonderful showcase of Moulsford’s music.
Many thanks too to all the Form Reps and PA members who gave up their time to assist with our guests and chat to them about their Moulsford experiences.
Once again the kitchen delivered a magnificent array of food and our guests left very happy! It was a successful day of visits.