Archie Dobson’s War
Open Day

Year Five remembers the First World War

The Year Five play took on a slightly more sombre tone this year as the performance tied in with the Arts Week focus commemorating the centenary of Armistice Day in 1918. The plot followed the perspective of a boy called Archie Dobson whose experience of the war moves from excitement at the prospect of adventure, to the dawning reality of its true horrors and losses.

Each form group was given responsibility for driving one of the three acts of the play with the other two forms joining in for ensemble work during the various musical numbers, which were a mixture of original compositions and contemporary songs.

Their efforts in acting and singing were rewarded with two excellent evening performances to sold-out audiences who were fantastic in offering their support to the boys on stage who had a lot to remember over the course of the play!

A huge thank you to the boys for their hard work, the staff who gave up their time to create sets and costumes as well as assist on the nights, and finally to the parents who no doubt supported the boys with the learning of lines in preparation for the show.

Ash Edwards

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