Head's Blog: Activities Week
Head's Blog Activities

Shiver my timbers, Moulsford was a dangerous place to be this week – there were pirates lurking round every corner! The theme of Pirates for activities week was a massive hit with the boys from Reception to Year 5. What fun they have had with all their various pirate related activities – an enormous amount of learning has taken place at the same time.

A highlight of the week was the river trip to Miss. Severin’s house, which is situated on the Thames halfway between Moulsford and Wallingford. It is the ideal length for boys to take to the high seas in kayaks, canoes, catacanoes or paddleboards - a pirate will commandeer whatever vessel he can. Boys’ efforts were rewarded with a barbeque in a gorgeous riverside garden. All boys from Years 3 to 5 take this trip – how lucky we are that our site makes it so easy to expose the boys to such an adventure. Thank you, Miss. Severin for opening up your garden to hordes of marauding pirates.

All boys in Years 6 to 8 should sleep well tonight! Years 7 and 8 have spent the week in a very damp Devon, with Year 7 under canvas. The boys had a tremendous time and will be able to draw upon the memories of this week when times get tough in the future. Activities week is a great bonding week, particularly for these three year groups, and there is nothing like a bit of adversity to help build resilience. When the staff return smiling from such a full on week complete with foul weather, you know the boys have excelled themselves.

While the boys were busy with Activities Week, we were delighted to once again host the Macmillan Summer Lunch at Moulsford – I hope the pirates didn’t cause too much alarm among the 250 ladies attending!  It is a fantastic event which raises much needed funds for the Henley and South Oxfordshire branch of the charity.  Thank you to all our parents and the wider community who supported it so generously.


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