Head's Blog: Common Entrance Results
Head's Blog Results

As Headmaster, I often find myself in a position as the bearer of news of one sort or another. This afternoon I was in the privileged position of gathering all the Year 8 Common Entrance candidates together to inform them that they had all passed into their senior schools. There is always much anticipation in the lead up to this announcement, and it is a seminal moment for them as they open their envelopes to reveal their grades. All the boys should be extremely proud of their achievements, and I know how grateful they are to the teaching staff who prepared them so well for last week’s exams. 

An important defining factor of a Moulsford education is the breadth of senior schools to which the boys graduate, and the strong links we have with these schools. The fact that we are not affiliated to any particular senior institution, allows us to give clear and impartial advice to parents and ensure that we can guide boys to the schools which are right for them as individuals. In September, Moulsford boys can look forward to starting at the following schools: Abingdon, Bradfield, Cokethorpe, Eton, Magdalen College School, Pangbourne, Radley, St.Edwards, Shiplake, Stowe, Uppingham and Wellington.


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