How lucky we are to have started the term with such lovely weather. It was a joy to host a touring prep school side from Norfolk on Wednesday in bright sunshine.
Sport is such an important part of Moulsford life and last term was no exception. The profile of hockey was given greater prominence and it was excellent to witness so many boys getting good exposure to the game. For a brief review of last term’s sport, and to get a flavour of the variety of options for boys of all abilities, please click here.
The final day of the Spring term was the U13 Rosslyn Park Prep Schools Sevens tournament - this is the premier competition of its kind with 136 schools competing. The Moulsford boys performed outstandingly well, winning all five of their games in some style, and playing some wonderful rugby along the way - this was probably the most exciting Sevens team ever to wear Moulsford colours. Because of changes to the regulations of junior rugby tournaments, 2017 was the first year in which there was no overall winner of the competition.
As well as the cricket to look forward to, there are so many other exciting sporting opportunities taking place this term. Particular highlights for me include the Inter-House Triathlon (19th May), the Ridgeway Rhino Cycle Ride (11th June) and of course Sports Day (23rd June). I must also confess to a hint of envy when I see boys exploring the river in kayaks, canoes and sailing boats while I’m stuck in the office!