Christmas Counts!
Extra Curricular Open Day

Christmas Counts


The Pre-Prep boys performed their Nativity play 'Christmas Counts' with great enthusiasm and enjoyment on Thursday afternoon.  They couldn't wait to break into song and add their perfectly timed percussion sound effects.  They even managed to get the audience to join in with the reprise of their final number to get everyone into the Christmas spirit! 


The narrators told this familiar story with clarity and expression, the sheep sprang up from their slumbers to show through street dance (what else?) the effect the Angel Gabriel's news had had on everyone who had heard it.  Mary and Joseph gave a real feel for the tribulations of an untimely journey to an overcrowded Bethlehem in time to register on a census just before an imminent birth took place.  The innkeepers and census takers added a touch of everyday realism and the angel host did what angels do best and lit up the sky with their brilliance.  Wise Men, camels and shepherds added colour, majesty and poignancy to the scene and by the end of the performance everyone was clear about the reason why the play had been so named. 


Happy Christmas, boys.  We are proud of every single one of you!

From the Pre-Prep Team 

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