Head's Blog: Events and Networking
Head's Blog

The easing of Covid restrictions has been so welcome for all of us, and it has been a joy to have a return to normality. One of the many upsides has been the resumption of social events and gatherings, both for the boys, parents and the staff. The Years 3 to 8 Triathlon this afternoon, attended by so many parents, was the first school event of this nature since 2019. There was such a wonderful atmosphere on the grounds, and it was a great reminder of the value of shared experiences. Likewise there is a sense of excitement amongst the boys as the delayed and much anticipated Years 6 to 8 Disco on 20th May draws nearer.

Social gatherings not only provide an opportunity for us all to have fun, but can also bring enormous spin off benefits, particularly in a professional capacity. We have all missed the opportunity to meet others, chat, network and make connections and our lives are much richer now that this has resumed. Last Friday I attended a dinner at Eton College for Prep and Primary school Heads. Not only was this an excellent chance to catch up with fellow Heads, but also a really good opportunity to meet key Eton staff, including Simon Henderson (the Head), a number of housemasters and the admissions team, led by Paul Smith.

On Sunday evening, Sarah B-G and I were guests of John Moule, the Warden of Radley, at a school concert held at Cadogan Hall in Chelsea, to celebrate 175 years since the foundation of the college. It really was a fabulous event, and a super chance to spend time with the Radley team, as well as catching up with Moulsford parents, past and present. There were four ‘Old Moles’ who had prominent roles in the concert, including Antonio P-Q who sang a wonderful solo supported by the Big Band, which included Jake B-G on trumpet.

On Tuesday, we hosted a Nursery & Pre-School Heads’ Conference, which provided an excellent opportunity for local Nursery heads to meet, socialise and learn from a Forest School expert.  The theme of developing resilience in Early Years children through outdoor learning and nature could not be more relevant after multiple lockdowns, and all attendees, including Moulsford staff, benefitted from collaborating in person with colleagues from across the Early Years sector.

One of the highlights of this week was an Old Moles Drinks on Whitehall in London. It was so good to meet past generations of Moulsford boys whose leaving dates ranged from 1993 to 2013. We were joined by both current and retired staff, including Mike Higham (Head from 1994 - 2014) and Steve Dismorr (Classics teacher from 1991 - 2016). What came shining through was the very strong affection in which Moulsford is held by its past pupils, and the extremely warm memories they have of their school. They were also an exceptionally friendly and personable bunch, who have varied and interesting careers. It was so rewarding to see the legacy of a Moulsford education, and exciting to think of what the future holds for your boys.

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