Pre-Prep Activities Week
Activities Pre-Prep

Jubilee-themed fun

Well, what a truly fantastic week Pre-Prep has had, culminating in an assembly to be proud of.

We launched our week with a trip to Windsor Castle where the boys enjoyed a tour of the State Rooms taking in armour, thrones, artwork, swords and some beautiful views. They listened so very well to all of the information they were given and they were considerate of the public also trying to enjoy their trip. After this we went around St George's Chapel and marvelled at the carved stone in the roof as well as on memorials. Lunch time involved a banquet style picnic and we were treated to a Jubilee-themed quiz before we then gave the National Anthem our best shot with flags aloft.

Bobcats and Tigers had a fun time making sandwiches and baking cakes, which I was lucky enough to taste, and they dined out on these on the field at lunch time. While this was underway, Year 2 were making their way upstream in canoes and kayaks as well as on foot. This was a key transition activity as the Year 3 staff joined us and spent the day getting to know the boys; something they really enjoyed. Certainly after this the boys were ready for a breather and I suspect that many of them had early nights.

Speaking of Knights, Wednesday heralded the arrival of a Knight who spent time with all of the boys teaching them dance steps, allowing them to wear and hold artefacts and giving them a pocket history of the Medieval time. This was such a special opportunity and the boys had a lot of fun.

All boys had their turn in the pool for a fun swim. They played with water pistols, dived for sinking toys, rode noodles or played with balls. It was wonderful to feel that their water confidence was so strong that they could do this without fear and they definitely knew their own limits. Paired with this was a diamond cricket session with Mr MacKinnon, something which held a good level of friendly competition. 

On Thursday the boys could choose two activities from four on offer - hobby horse making, knights crafting, shield design and biscuit decorating. They produced some of the most wonderful craft creations that I hope they have brought home for you to see. We had a lovely afternoon in the theatre watching a film and recuperating from the week's excursions.

We topped off our week with It's a Knockout. The boys took part in 'Just Dance', Fun Relays and Dodgeball. Everyone had a whale of a time and certainly looked very red faced by the end of it. Years 1 and 2 then proceeded to have a mini swimming gala to demonstrate to parents how wonderfully their swimming has progressed this year. The camaraderie was delightful to see. Boys who came first were congratulating those who came second, those who missed a win by a whisker smiled and boys fighting to get to the end were cheered on by all. The final fling of the week was the assembly. All had put together what they wanted to say and do without the influence of teachers and they did a super job.

So the big question is; how will we top it next year?

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