Taking India to the woods
In English Year 4 have been working on instructional writing. As part of our topic 'India' we decided to show boys traditional Indian cooking methods, one of which was cooking flatbread over a fire. Boys spent the morning making their dough and cooking their roti over the fire. They had a wide choice of flavours to add to their flatbread and had to be quick to make sure they didn't burn it as it was part of their lunch! We all sat down to a delicious, warming curry made by our brilliant catering team and each boy enjoyed their flatbread with it. To finish lunch off we tried rice pudding with a variety of spices in it. The boys had a super morning cooking, playing and learning survival skills in the woods. Everyone had a brilliant day and will have gained an insight into a traditional cooking method used in India. The Year 4 team are looking forward to reading their exciting instruction texts tomorrow!