Schools Triathlon Fundraising
The Schools Triathlon at Bradfield takes place in May with a number of Moulsford teams registered to enter. Each team pays an entrance fee and Charlie N and Ned H in Year 6 decided to raise this fee themselves by organising a cake sale. They spent all of Saturday baking and then held a cake sale outside Charlie N’s house on Sunday. They put leaflets through friends and neighbours doors explaining that they were raising money for the Triathlon’s charity ‘Restless Development’ and they had a great turnout and a sell-out cake sale! They have raised the funds for their whole team to enter the Triathlon as well as enough left over to make a very sizeable donation to Restless Development. Well done boys!
Birthday Fundraising
Xander M in Year 7 decided to ask the boys who came to celebrate his birthday with him recently to donate to charity rather than buy him a present. This was all Xander’s idea and he was delighted that so many boys contributed.
Xander raised a massive £400 for Young Lives vs Cancer, which is also one of the chosen charities for this year’s Summer Lunch in June.
Pre-Prep Cake Sale
On Monday the boys in the Pre-Prep held a cake sale to support Mary’s Meals and Soundabout, our school charities for this year. Boys in the Pre-Prep were invited to don their aprons over the weekend and get baking and cakes were then sold at break time on Monday. Thanks for all of your efforts – we raised a grand total of £50.