Year 7 Weekly Challenges
Virtual Moulsford Activities

Sandwiches, throwing eggs and scaling heights

Some of the boys in Year 7 have been missing the competition that comes with playing fixtures, so as a way to include a competitive element to their Form Times, the Year 7 Weekly Challenge was born!

Each week the boys are set a number of challenges, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, and are asked to submit their responses to their teachers.  It has been fantastic to see so many boys getting involved and the level of creativity and effort has been really impressive.

During the first week the boys were asked to create a pasta dish at home, see how far they could throw an egg to someone without breaking it and also measure the total number of steps they could travel over a three day period.

Next up came how many steps they could do in a day, with Felix C putting in an extraordinary effort to do 22,363 steps in one day.  The boys were also asked to throw a ball into a bin from increasing distances, create a colourful salad dish with a variety of different ingredients and see how many step-ups they could do in a minute on the bottom step of their stairs.  We think the parents particularly enjoyed the cooking challenges and it was fantastic to see Charlie M produce a meal, which was then eaten by his Old Mole big brothers!

This week Year 7 have been creating obstacle courses in their gardens, taking photos of themselves from the highest point in their area (Hector up a tree and Felix up a ladder, up a hill, have been excellent entries!).  However, the highlight has undoubtedly been the creative sandwich challenge, some of which have looked delicious, and some less so.  Patch M went for understated flavour, Milo added crisps and the two Felix’s went for a bigger the better approach!  We are just glad we haven’t had to eat them as well!

Well done boys, it has been brilliant seeing your photos and videos and hearing about your efforts during Form Time.

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