Staff Blog: Mr Springer on virtual sport | News | Moulsford Prep School
Head's Blog Virtual Moulsford

Over the last few days some of the boys and staff have been taking part in the Virtual Stair Challenge, a joint initiative with Caldicott School.  The two schools have asked the boys to pull on their virtual hiking boots and climb up the stairs, with the aim of seeing which mountain they can jointly scale.  Kilimanjaro is apparently 38,680 steps, which seems doable, but as someone who hasn’t yet done their share of steps, I might be speaking too soon.

What I love about this task is the fact that it is two schools, working together, with one common goal, seeing what they can achieve as a team.  With no fixtures and a large amount of time at home playing sport individually, the chance to join a team again will be a welcome relief for many of the boys, and provide the sense of community that we value at Moulsford.

This joint effort between schools has made me think back to last summer when I undertook the ‘Heads Up’ challenge, along with 20 other Prep School Heads.  Taking on the challenge with so many other like-minded Heads, reminded us all of the value of taking some time out to talk and share thoughts, ideas and experiences.  This kind of collaboration has never been more important as we all look for the new normal.

It has been fantastic to hear of some of the charity initiatives also being organised during this period, with boys in Year 4 and Year 8 organising fundraising activities for their friends to join in with.  When we work together as a team, we can achieve so much more.


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