Maths Week England
Academic Prep

A week of puzzling and problems

This week saw the launch of the first ever Maths Week England, the start of a grassroots movement to share the joy of mathematics with everyone.  The aim is to raise the profile of Maths and make it a positive experience and accessible to all children, regardless of their ability.

At Moulsford every class got involved with daily challenges and puzzles and in the Prep School the Year 5 and 6 boys took part in the Primary Maths Challenge.  We hope to get the results of this soon.

A daily problem was also set by video, with the solution released after lunch each day.

Within each Form, every boy was also given three questions and asked to hand their individual summary to their form teacher.  The totals were all added up and these will be sent to Maths Week England, with the hope of us ending up as prize winners – fingers crossed!

In Years 3 and 4, the boys have been doing 'Barvember' which has involved lots of problem-solving using bar modelling methods, a type of Maths mastery which allows pupils to draw and visualise mathematical concepts to solve problems.

It has been a really good week and allowed the boys to fully immerse themselves in Maths!

#MathsWeekEngland and #JoinTheAdventure

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