Head's Blog: Humanities at Moulsford
Head's Blog

The new Moulsford Curriculum (launched in September 2017) has brought with it a range of new opportunities for boys which makes the most of the wonderful school site. For Years 5 to 8, whilst History, Geography and Religious Studies are still being taught as three discrete subjects, they have been grouped together under the ‘umbrella’ of Humanities. These boys are taught in each subject in blocks of three lessons, which enables them to have a week of focussed subject teaching as opposed to the more traditional one lesson a week of each subject.

We now have three assessment points over the course of the academic year, rather than just one written exam in May. The aim of this is to give the boys opportunities to be assessed over a wider variety of skills than just the traditional written examination. This might include group work, balloon debates or the more traditional formal essay.

The World Economic Forum states that Creativity is number 3 on its list of desirable skills in the workplace in 2022. We have been exploring ways for the boys to be more creative during their lessons and in their preps. Alongside the more formal written material, it is wonderful also to see: spider diagrams, play scripts, models, comic strips, presentations and videos that all fulfil the success criteria of the task at hand.  We are inviting relevant Senior School Heads of Department to Moulsford to advise and to view the boys’ work. This helps us to keep our curriculum directly relevant for the next step of their education, as well as strengthening links between Moulsford and these senior schools.


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