We have had a festival of singing this week from the boys in the lower years of the school. The Year 3, Year 4 and Pre-Prep productions all had singing as their central theme, with the boys belting out the tunes under the expert guidance of Miss Moore. What was absolutely clear to all three audiences was how much the boys loved the opportunity to sing as part of a large group. Enormous thanks go to Miss Moore for the energy and enthusiasm with which she prepares the boys.
It is now the turn of the older boys, and the residents of Rush Court Nursing Home thoroughly enjoyed their visit from some of the senior choir today, with the boys gaining hugely from the experience as well. We much look forward to hearing the whole of the senior choir perform at the PA Christmas Fair tomorrow (Year 4 will also be singing), and then at the carol service at Pangbourne on Wednesday. What is so great is that boys of all ages thoroughly enjoy their singing (and music!) and are really keen to be members of the various Moulsford choirs (and bands!). Well done to the music department at this very busy time of year!