Head's Blog: New Activities Programme
Head's Blog Activities

It has been great to see all your boys back at school this week, all bubbling with enthusiasm from their summer break. My first assembly of the year focused on what is new at Moulsford this term: new boys, the new curriculum and the new structure of the day.

As parents will know, the after-school extracurricular programme has been very significantly enhanced, with more opportunities for all boys. It has been excellent to see the very large take up of the wide range of clubs and activities on offer.  

As with any new system, there have been a few teething problems, most of which centre around timings, buses and sign up to activities. We have already learnt a huge amount from seeing the first week in operation. Extremely clear communication and absolute clarity on the School’s part should be the solution to the vast majority of gremlins. The first item in today’s “Week Ahead” gives parents a summary of key information and addresses areas where there appears to be uncertainty - please could parents read it carefully.

If any queries remain unanswered, please do contact the School Office.  I would like to thank them for doing a fabulous job this week fielding the inevitable queries and for their cheerful efforts to resolve any hitches.



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