Year 3 Spanish Tapas Lunch
Talks and Assemblies

A delicious way to learn your vocabulary

Last week our Modern Languages teachers organised a Spanish Tapas Lunch for Year 3.  The boys have been learning various different food and drink items that you might experience in a Spanish Tapas restaurant and the boys have been combining this with high frequency vocabulary learnt earlier in the year to be able to ask for food and drink in Spanish.

The boys were given this fun opportunity to put their knowledge to practical use and the boys enjoyed a delicious array of Spanish Tapas dishes, including el jamón serrano, el chorizo, las gambas al ajillo, la tortilla española, y las patatas bravas, all washed down with some la limonada, el agua mineral sin gas o el zumo de naranja. The boys were able to ask for items in Spanish. ¡Qué delicioso!

Year 3 went to Spain for lunch (it certainly felt like it on such a hot day) dressed up in the Spanish colours of red and yellow or Spanish themed outfits and enjoyed their lunch outside on the terrace.

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