Head's Blog: Sports Day
Head's Blog Sport

What a wonderful event Sports Day was. There was such a lovely atmosphere on the back fields throughout the day and it was great to see the boys competing with such energy, enthusiasm and spirit. One of the highlights of the day was seeing George Hathaway (Year 4) help a fellow hurdler across the line after a fall – this, for me, encapsulated the Moulsford spirit.

The Tug of War which rounds off the day is always a hotly contested event. We will be needing a new rope for 2018, as the current Year 8s managed to snap it in their quest for House glory!  Well done to Drake for winning the ‘reduced rope’ Tug of War, and to Amundsen for overall Sports Day victory.

Ensuring the seamless success of today’s event requires a collective team effort from all the Moulsford staff. Thank you to everyone for all their hard work and to James Springer for masterminding the day.

Many of you will be aware that there has been an excellent take up for the 2018 South Africa rugby tour. At present we have 70 boys in Years 7 & 8 signed up for this trip. Please could I alert all Moulsford parents to ‘Moulsfest’, which will take place on Saturday 30th September 2017, and ask you to put this date in your diaries now.  Moulsfest will raise funds for the tour and the associated charities. This event will include the ‘Moulsford 147’, which will be a kayaking challenge on the Thames. Further details of Moulsfest and other SA Tour events can be found on the second item in the ‘Week Ahead’, which was sent earlier today.


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