BANANAGRAMS Challenge 2017
Drama Talks and Assemblies

BANANAGRAMS Challenge 2017

Over the course of the next couple of weeks the boys in Years 3 to 6 will be competing in the Moulsford BANANAGRAMS Challenge 2017. Each year group will compete against each other in a knockout competition until we have a Year Group Winner. This boy will then take on the winner of each of the other year groups in a Grand Final, to be played during World Book Week. The boy who wins the final will take the crown of Moulsford BANANAGRAMS Champion 2017!

The Challenge provides the boys with an enjoyable and interactive way to develop language skills as they play and learn with words. BANANAGRAMS is a fast-paced competitive word game that requires no pencil, paper, board or waiting for turns! Each player races to build their own word grid at the same time as their opponent using a random selection of letter tiles. The winner is the first person who uses all of their tiles… But the ever-changing nature of the grid and speed of play makes every round a frantic challenge!

Educational Benefits:

          •         Word recognition
          •         Visual attention
          •         Memory and recall
          •         Categorisation
          •         Visual processing
          •         Sorting and classification
          •         Letter recognition
          •         Sequential thought
          •         Language development

We have so far managed to play all Round 1 matches in Years 3 and 4; with Years 5 and 6 taking up the reins next week. The boys have shown great keenness to play the game and I commend them for their willingness to give up a break time to take part in either a practise session or their match.

Keep checking back for more updates as we progress through the challenge!

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