A showcase of work
As part of a recent review into reporting and parents’ evenings, this month we have held our first non-core showcases for Years 7 and 8.
These showcases have provided an opportunity for the boys to show their parents what they have been learning in Art, Design Technology, Drama, French, Geography, History, ICT, Latin or Spanish, Music, PE, Theology, Philosophy and Religion. The teachers of these subjects were on hand to chat to parents about what they have been doing and the progress made and the boys were in the driving seat to guide their parents through each subject.
The response from parents has been overwhelmingly positive and it was fantastic to see parents entering into the spirit of the evenings be they completing fitness tests in PE, creating a keyring in DT or exploring half mask work in Drama.
The first of these events were for Year 7, 8HR and 8M. Showcases for younger year groups were planned for the Spring Term but unfortunately had to be postponed due to COVID. These have been rearranged for the Summer Term and we look forward to seeing more parents in school for these.