E-Safety Workshops
Talks and Assemblies Pastoral

Respect and tolerance online

This week, Alan Mackenzie, an E-Safety Adviser who has a long-standing relationship with Moulsford, presented virtual E-Safety Workshops to the boys in Years 6 to 8.  Many issues were covered in the sessions, with the main themes centring on respect, tolerance and understanding the consequences of online behaviour.

Alan talked about disinhibition and how being behind a screen can make it much easier to do or say something to someone compared to standing in front of them. The overall message was to think before you post – take that extra 1 to 2 seconds to think about the implications of what you are doing. Ask yourself, if I was standing next to this person, would I still say this thing?  Alan also addressed the issue of peer pressure and how you can say no with confidence.  Finally, the boys discussed screen time and talked about how they were feeling after lockdown and virtual schooling and the effect of screen time on quality of sleep.

The boys were encouraged to contribute their ideas and ask questions and there were valuable discussions across every year group.

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