Year 7 Trip
Trip Music

Gamelan Workshop and Tate Modern

On Thursday 30th January, all of Year 7 spent the day in London, playing Gamelan at the Royal Festival Hall, visiting an art gallery and being tourists on the South Bank.

Gamelan is the indigenous music of Indonesia, and the purpose-built room in the basement of the RFH is a wonderful setting for their Javanese Gamelan Orchestra. Having spent an hour and a half in a practical session with a very experienced tutor, the boys then spent the rest of the day visiting the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, and enjoying the sights and sounds of the South Bank, one of the most lively and colourful areas of central London.

There was a lot of walking to do, but the weather was fairly kind to us, and everyone returned to Moulsford having enjoyed a wonderful day of culture in the capital!

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