Celebration Assembly
Talks and Assemblies Academic

A focus on Angles, Writing and Editing Work

On Wednesday, Mrs Squire held a Celebration Assembly highlighting some of the excellent work going on around the school over the last week.

  • William J in Year 4 appeared in the Henley Standard talking about his work on Climate Change with Cubs
  • In 5R George B, Raphie B and Henry J were celebrated for their efforts in editing and refining their work
  • Sri and Sam G in Year 4 are now ranked 1st and 2nd across the whole school for their times tables, with Sri able to answer a question in just 0.73 seconds!
  • 8G’s Ben K and Leo F have produced outstanding work in discursive and narrative writing
  • The Languages Star of the Week was Angus L in Year 6
  • In Maths, Alfie J and John P were highlighted for their work on equivalent fractions and in Year 5 Sam J, Arthur B, Steven T, Patrick R and Freddie A have produced excellent work on angles
  • Ollie J, Seb P, Sam W and Oscar T were all congratulated for their Year 8 exam preparation

Many congratulations to all those who received mentions in this Celebration Assembly.  We hope that the boys feel inspired to continue doing the very best they can.

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