It has been great to welcome all the boys back to school and to see them get back into the academic routine so swiftly after a long break. Seeing so many happy and smiling faces as boys walk across the zebra in the morning is a great way for all to start the day. The boys seem genuinely pleased to be back!
The Autumn term is one of contrasts, starting in late summer and ending in midwinter, and this long period allows us to complete a very significant part of the year’s academic curriculum. This week, our clear message to the boys has been to hit the ground running on the academic front, and avoid the temptation to “play yourself in” over a period of time. Our observations so far are that advice has been heeded, and that there is a real sense of purpose in the classroom.
This first term is also full of events, and one fast approaching is Moulsfest on Saturday 28th September. Included in Moulsfest is the very popular annual Moulsford Mudder, as well as a wonderful array of stalls, entertainment, food and drink. Moulsfest promises to be a fabulous afternoon and I would encourage families and children of all ages to attend, and particularly those boys who are touring to South Africa. All funds raised from Moulsfest will go to Inspire, the South African charity which the 2020 tour is supporting. Inspire provides rural children in South Africa with food, accommodation and education in a safe environment. Boys in Years 7 & 8 who are going on the SA Tour at Easter will spend a day at the charity, getting to know the children, staff, and putting in some hard graft to help those less fortunate than ourselves. For full details of the event and how to book please click here.
Enormous thanks go to Nicola House, Emma Bowring and Claire Fremantle who are central to the organisation of the day. They would welcome offers of help from parent volunteers to ensure the day runs really smoothly. Please contact them either on [email protected] or email them direct if you are able to assist.