Year 6 Humanities Project
Talks and Assemblies

The Battle of Bannockburn

Year 6 have been learning about the first Scottish war of independence, 1296-1328. They have learnt about England vs Scotland in three major battles; Stamford Bridge, Falkirk and Bannockburn. They have been focussing on what it means to be a leader and a successful one at that, paying particular attention to leadership qualities and battlefield tactics. 

In June, 1314 Edward II’s massive English army moved North to relieve Stirling castle, which was being besieged by the Scots. The English met the Scottish army just south of Stirling, at Bannockburn. For their project, the boys chose, designed and created one phase of this battle. They also wrote an extended writing piece detailing who they thought was the better leader, Edward II or Robert the Bruce. 

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