U7 Tag Rugby v Chandlings
Boarding Extra Curricular

Huge excitement for Year 2’s first ever rugby fixture

On Thursday, the whole of Year 2 travelled to Chandlings for their eagerly anticipated Tag Rugby match. This was the first time the boys have represented Moulsford in a sporting fixture against another school and it was hard to tell whether there was more enthusiasm from the boys or their parents, who turned out in droves from both schools to support from the touchlines.

This was clearly a very exciting opportunity for the boys and they all did extremely well in channelling this energy into playing some very good running rugby. The event was very well run by Chandlings and brilliantly supported by friends and family. There were lots of smiles and a great amount of effort shown throughout the afternoon, which was the main aim - well done boys!

Year 2's next sporting fixture will be after half term, here at the Moulsford Tag Rugby Festival on Friday 23rd February.

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