Anderson Shelters
The boys in Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed studying WW2 during the second half of the Spring term. One of our main focusses was to explore what life would have been like for children during this time. We were fortunate enough to have an evacuation and air raid experience at Steam just before the end of term and this allowed the boys to experience a raid, the sounds of planes overhead and what the shelters may have been like. The boys were challenged to spend some time over the holidays creating their own Anderson Shelter; thinking about the materials they would use and how they could show us the inside of the shelter. Some boys even managed to create little posters, bunk beds, newspapers and sinks in theirs!
I was mightily impressed with the effort and care to detail the boys showed and I know from discussing with them how much they enjoyed the project, and what they have taken away from it. We will be displaying these in our classrooms until next Friday, so do encourage boys in other forms to come and look at them.