Head Injury Assembly

Some great advice from Matron

On Monday, Mrs Heslop did a presentation to the whole school about head injuries.  To grab the boys’ attention, there was a picture of The Lernaean Hydra - a water serpent from Roman and Greek mythology with many heads, who had the ability to grow two more heads should he lose one of his!  The presentation then went on to explain to the boys the structures that protect our brain.

We then watched slides of all the ways we protect our heads in our everyday routines, various activities, hobbies and sports, as well as the new regulations brought in by the RFU.  On a light hearted note, there were slides of some of the staff acting out common scenarios - situations where boys aren’t being careful and end up hurting themselves eg not sitting on chairs properly.  There was advice on staying safe and ways you can prevent yourself and others hurting themselves.

Mrs Heslop explained what concussion is, the common signs and symptoms and how important it is to tell a grown up if you bump your head.  She also explained that if a boy has been concussed and returns to school, although you can’t see that there is anything wrong, you must be careful around him and help him if necessary.

Since the presentation some boys have been in to see Mrs Heslop and have spoken about the presentation and what they can remember.  Hopefully we will see fewer head injuries.

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