Easter Service
DT Prep


Easter Story told through song


On Wednesday we had our annual Easter Service, which this year took on a slightly different format.


During the Spring Term, all the boys have been learning the songs from an Easter Cantata called 'Jerusalem Joy'. With soloists singing the main characters in the Easter story, the Choir became the 'Disciples' and the 'Scribes and Pharisees', whilst the whole school assumed the roles of 'Thronging Crowd' and 'Angry Mob'. Between them all, they eloquently described the events starting with Palm Sunday and culminating in the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.


All the boys sang beautifully and fully entered into the spirit of the event. A particularly moving performance was given by Oscar G, who sang the role of Jesus. The Service provided an entertaining, though poignant, end to what has been a very busy term.

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