The Digestion Journey
As the sun shone outside and the parents waited excitedly, 4C took to the stage on Thursday for their form assembly. Even the late arrival of the bus could not damper the boys' spirits as all were ready to perform with minutes to spare. Could the boys hit the heights they had in rehearsals? The three narrators opened superbly, with clear voices and introducing the topic - The Digestion Journey. The 'Taste Police' earned their laughs by checking that no rude words were going to be used (they weren't!) and Elvis made sure that the food kept on its journey from being bitten to its inevitable conclusion. Scientific terms for internal organs had their spellings checked by the audience with a good amount of success by the school and the assembly ended with a prayer giving thanks for the food that we eat and the people who provide it for us. The boys did a fantastic job and ran perfectly to time - well done 4C!