Celebrating the work of boys from Year 5 to Year 8
Following on from last week’s ‘Celebration Assembly’ which focussed on the younger boys, this week Tiffany Squire, Deputy Head Academic, celebrated the excellent achievements of some boys in Years 5 to 8.
The Year 8 Scholars were congratulated for doing well with some tricky problem solving in Maths.
Harry from 6J wrote a really exciting story in the ‘Shakespeare Writing Task’. Mr Jones was very impressed with all the adjectives Harry used to add to the imagery, his accurate paragraphs, use of emotion and all the interesting synonyms he used for ‘said’. Well done, Harry!
Leo and Toby from 7G made great improvements in their French exam work.
Year 5 have been looking at the different groups associated with Christianity, for example Baptists, Methodists and Catholics. Harvey from 5O produced a particularly creative piece of work which highlighted what the groups believe in and what makes them special.
6W have been studying Shakespeare’s sonnets. Shakespearean Sonnets should be 14 lines long, have ten syllables per line and follow a rhyme scheme of ABAB followed by a final couplet. The boys had a go at writing their own. There were some fantastic examples, including one from James L whose sonnet met all of these criteria, as well as being incredibly descriptive!
In Year 6, the boys have been looking at the story of Solomon, who benefitted from the gift of wisdom. They then all created a video in which they interviewed somebody from home about wisdom. Jack chose his cat!
Celebration Assemblies are designed to highlight the positives from the academic week and to encourage all boys to aspire to do the best work they can. Many congratulations to all those who deserved a special mention this week.