Safer Internet Day and Digital Communications
e-Safety Presentation for Boys
On Monday, Alan Mackenzie, an e-Safety Adviser who has a long-standing relationship with Moulsford, presented e-Safety Workshops for the boys in Years 6 to 8. Many issues were covered in the sessions and the boys were encouraged to contribute their ideas and ask questions. As always, there were valuable discussions and the boys impressed Alan with their mature and thoughtful attitudes. The main theme was around 'Screentime' and the boys were invited to discuss whether they thought that this term was accurate or helpful. They also thought about what advice they would give to their parents. So called 'Gaming Addiction' was explored, and Alan explained that although this is not a recognised condition in the UK, 'Gaming Disorder' is. Faced with a list of the symptoms- none of our boys felt that they have this. What might be more accurate is the term 'Gaming Compulsion' or rather a compulsion to use technology, and this led on to the psychology of 'captology'.
Technology Workshop for Parents
On Friday morning, 20 parents gathered for a technology workshop run by the Marketing team at Moulsford. As more and more parent communications are going digital, it was felt that a workshop and surgery might help parents get to grips with the systems in place, particularly newer platforms like My School Portal and the social media channels that are used by the school.
The session was set up so that parents could have a virtual tour of the new My School Portal system and ask for specific advice and tips, with no question being seen as too simple or too silly.
We hope that the parents who attended found the session useful and we would welcome any feedback. If you were unable to make the session and would like any help or if you have any further queries, please feel free to email [email protected].