Anti Bullying Week Talk

Anti-Bullying Week


This week has been Anti-Bullying Week at Moulsford, and the motto has been ‘the power for good’.


On Friday Alex Holmes spoke to us during LFL about the effect bullying can have on people’s lives. When Alex was in school he was bullied, which made him feel depressed, shy and isolated. This is what drove him to be an anti-bullying ambassador, where he tells his story and helps educate children about bullying.


He empowered us with many tips about how to stand up to bullies, although the main message was ‘don't suffer in silence’. Alex made us aware of our strong support networks, and that if we ever feel like we are being bullied that we need to share this.


We all left the assembly with positive ‘labels’ and with a commitment to promote the ‘power for good’.


By Alex Riley and Greg Dowden (8E)  

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