MPA Update

Behind the Scenes with Moulsford Parents Association

The Moulsford Parents Association meets six times a year and held our most recent meeting this week.  The meetings are very sociable affairs and there is always lots of laughter and chat!  We reviewed the recent successful events, the Headmaster’s Quiz and Bonfire Night, and talked about what worked well and how they could be improved next year.  We love to hear your feedback (positive or negative) as it helps these events continually evolve and ensures that you, the parents, feel part of your Parents Association!

We then received an update on the Christmas Fair which is taking place on 10th December and it sounds as though it is going to be better than ever!  There are some fabulous store holders confirmed (perfect for last minute gifts) and the Form Reps are doing a grand job at organising their year group stalls.  We just need a little bit more crockery for the ‘Smash the Crockery’ stall and bottles and chocolate for the tombola, so look out for a communication on this in The Week Ahead.

A lot of hard work goes into planning and organising these MPA events and we have a very hard working team of committee members made up of staff volunteers (Ms Richards, Mr Watson and Mrs Read), the Headmaster and the Bursar and around 12-15 parent volunteers from across all the school year groups.  Last night we started working on the two Spring events – one for parents in February and a disco for the boys in years 6-8 which takes place before Easter.

At last night’s meeting we also heard about the upcoming cake sales (always a popular time for the boys!) and also had feedback from Victoria Parry who works tirelessly with her team on keeping a good stock in the Second Hand Uniform shop.  However, they always welcome donations (particularly of new logo uniform) so feel free to pop in and see them on a Thursday afternoon.  Victoria is also desperate for more volunteers to help with manning the second hand uniform shop.  It only requires a commitment of a couple of hours a term, so please contact us if you are willing to help.  We are also looking at online payment options for parents, so watch this space!

One of the main activities in our meetings is to decide what to spend our fundraising on.  Our purpose is to spend on the added extras that will enhance the boys’ Moulsford experience.  All items for inclusion on our shopping list get thoroughly debated before we vote.  Sometimes, an item is bought jointly between the school and MPA (like the cricket nets or the Buggy) and at other times the MPA buy it independently.  At the last meeting we approved the purchase of another outdoor table tennis table, an iPad microphone and agreed a significant contribution to a new lighting desk for the theatre.

If you would like to know more about the Moulsford Parents Association, please visit our pages on the website or email us on [email protected].

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