Choir and Orchestra Treat

Pizza and Mozart!          

This week the Senior Choir and Orchestra celebrated an excellent year's music making with their annual treat. The boys enjoyed making their own pizzas with some help from Mr Saunders at the outdoor pizza oven - there were some delicious-looking creations and some unusual topping combinations!

In the afternoon our musicians gathered in the theatre for a workshop by GAP Festival Opera who gave the boys a preview of their new translation of Mozart's opera The Marriage of Figaro before its first public performance on Friday evening as part of the Goring Festival. The boys enjoyed some drama games, were enthralled by some impressive vocal performances, and had the chance to learn some Mozart for themselves, performing a section from one of Figaro's famous arias.

It was lovely to spend the afternoon together and to recognise the service the boys give to the musical life of the school. Well done to all who took part!

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