Eco Day
Eco activities

A school day without electronics

On Tuesday Moulsford held its first Eco Day where the whole school spent the day without electronics. The initiative was totally pupil-led from the Eco Prefects who have been meeting with Mr Symonds throughout the year to come up with ways to help Moulsford be more sustainable. Coincidentally, the school servers were down for most of the day, but we have been assured that Mr Symonds had nothing to do with it!

Most lessons took place outside with lots of creative teaching and a number of pupils took part in a biodiversity survey around the school. Lunch was ‘subway-style’ with everyone creating their own sub and having a picnic. Many of the staff commented that the day shone a spotlight on how overly reliant they had become on technology and this is definitely a lesson for us all. Even Steve the bus driver noticed that the conversations on the bus were livelier (with politics being a hot topic) once devices were out of the way!

Thank you to the Eco Prefects for this initiative and for all of your hard work during the year.

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