4H Assembly
Talks and Assemblies

Kung Fu Punctuation

Carl Douglas set the scene beautifully with his famous hit, "Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting’ as the boys walked into the sports hall on Thursday morning. 4H performed a fantastic assembly on the importance of punctuation when reading and writing and demonstrated to the rest of the school how to assign a ‘Kung Fu’ based sound and action to numerous punctuation symbols.

With the permission of Mr. Beardmore-Gray, the boys got into character, tied their school ties around their head to look the part and gave it their best moves.

It was a high impact, fully inclusive assembly with every boy and member of staff getting involved. Each class read an extract from a well-known piece of literature and put into practice the moves taught by 4H.

Great fun was had by all and thank you to all the boys, staff and parents for their amazing participation. We told you punctuation could be fun!

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