Head Boy's Welcome: Hort W
Head Boy

Pride in my School

As I come into the final of my four years at Moulsford it strikes me how true the saying ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ is. In these four years Moulsford has influenced my life in so many ways.

The academic side has developed my knowledge in subjects ranging from Latin to Maths with teachers that inspire me with different forms of learning and communicating that work well to help me receive the information needed. The energy needed for these lessons is provided by delicious food made by the kitchen staff with meals like paella or chilli con carne.

But academia is not the only thing available; sports, the arts and other lessons provide you with skills for later life and bring more enjoyment to school life like playing rugby with your friends or learning to code in ICT. Sports can range from first football and then rugby and then hockey or more football. And when summer comes around cricket, athletics, swimming and many more. The music lessons available are amazing ranging from piano to the harp and the teaching staff involved with these lessons really help to develop one’s musical skills and knowledge of music, which in turn help you get to the grade you want.

And at the end of the day, activities are provided to help you wind down. In the winter, activities like indoor rowing are available to keep out of the cold and stay active or if you would rather something more mind based, activities can range from Chess club or maybe a prep session to help get it out of the way to free up your time. And then in the summer the river opens up and you can go paddle boarding or do some swimming in the pool.

If you’re not tired after all of that, the boarding house provides a very home-like atmosphere and opens up the school facilities in the evening. The activities on offer in the evening are amazing, playing the infamous ‘torch game’ in the dark or having a kick about in the sports hall. There is always something on offer whatever your interests. And when you’re done with all that you can fall asleep with your friends.

Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, Moulsford has adapted. Teachers and students learning to use the internet to keep school life together and still have that enjoyment and range of things to do that makes Moulsford what it is.

Overall, the amount I have done in such a short period of time at this school shows just how amazing it is and I’m proud to be Head Boy of this wonderful school.

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