Head's Blog: New Appointments and Initiatives
Head's Blog

I’m sitting in my office at school with a clear view of the power of Storm Eunice.  A large flowerpot has just flown past my window, and while the marquee is still standing, its anchors are being tested to their limits. I do hope that you and families have remained safe today, and that not too many plans have been disrupted. I know that a number of families were travelling today either in the UK or abroad. It’s a strange way to end what has been a very positive first half of term, albeit in difficult circumstances with the ongoing Covid situation. Thank you again to parents for all the support you have shown the school over the past six weeks.

Trevor Bissell, Moulsford’s Director of Music, retires from this post in July after twenty-three years at the helm. I am delighted to announce that Karen Braden has been appointed the Moulsford Director of Music from September 2022. Karen is currently both the Assistant Director of Music and the Head of Curriculum Music at the Dragon School in Oxford. Prior to this role, Karen taught Singing and Piano at St Edward’s Oxford. Karen has also had a career as a freelance musician specialising as a classical soprano soloist, choral singer, repetiteur, accompanist and coach. Trevor will continue at Moulsford in a part-time role from September.

We are very pleased to be launching the HomeRun Car Sharing App for the Moulsford community, which forms part of Moulsford’s drive to become more sustainable and environmentally responsible.  This initiative will give parents an easy way to collaborate with each other for lift shares to and from school. Thank you to the 56 parents who have already signed up, and we would strongly encourage all to do so, even if you think you may not use HomeRun, via this activation link. The information we can gain through the App will help inform decisions we make about school transport, bus routes and timings of the school day. A great spin off benefit to all will hopefully be less congestion on the school drive.

We have five Moulsford boys sitting the Radley academic scholarship over half-term, and we wish James, Jasper, Harvey, Hort and Leonardo the very best of luck with these exams. Thank you to Mr Weeks and Mrs. Squire who will be helping out with the invigilation. For the rest of you, I hope you all have a relaxing and restful half-term break.


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